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  • Britt Konnander

When one door closes another opens!

If you’ve ever been frustrated or felt that your dreams are just beyond your reach, take this to heart.

Often, we tend to remain worried about how things have been in the past and we have difficulties in letting go. But getting back is no option!

This is because whatever did happen already isn’t in our hands and we cannot replay those incidents again. But even if we cannot change what happened we can still work ahead to make our present better because this is something we can control.

As the old saying goes, “If one door closes another opens ” so, if you start today doing things differently you can expect new endings, and these endings will absolutely be in your hands.

Many of the most successful entrepreneurs experienced some colossal failures before finding success. Yet, despite those setbacks, they could look beyond their mistakes and continue pushing forward.

Below are some prime examples of entrepreneurs who didn’t get it right the first time but persevered to greatness.

• Henry Ford went bankrupt before starting the Ford Motor Company.

• Thomas Edison and his colleagues tested thousands of materials before creating the carbon-filament lightbulb.

• J. K. Rowling received twelve rejections before the first Harry Potter book was published.

Why do some succeed, and others don’t?

Before the great success of inventing the light bulb, Thomas Edison was failed about 10,000 times. When asked by the journalists, he replied in a brilliant way – “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Edison teaches us to give up the wrong way to react to failure.

So, what is the difference that makes the difference?

Some people learn from their failed attempts more than others, with those who “learn more” incorporating more components of their failed attempts into their later attempts by doing that they succeed.

Failure brings the opportunity to learn things better. It helps us in learning from our mistakes. Failures make us rethink and reconsider to find new ways and strategies to achieve our goals.

By failing and making a new beginning doesn’t call for anything other than self-confidence, grit and endurance, creativity, action, and a positive attitude. These things drive people over the worst of life’s storms and bring them to shore in one piece.

If you can think positively and act optimistically, then you are destined for great things. Your attitude determines your altitude.

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