Are you reactive or proactive in your leadership?
Are you above or below the line as a leader?
In all situations we find ourselves in, we have the opportunity to choose how we want to react. We can all relate to situations where we overreacted and then regretted what we said. These reactions are usually irrational, defensive and filled with defense, denial, criticism and justification. This action is called reactive action ie. where you act without reflecting why or having the opportunity to choose a reaction.
Proactive action or being above the line is about making considered, wise and healthy decisions but also reflecting and taking responsibility for one's way of acting. Your reactions, behaviors and actions are products of your own decisions based on your values and values. They are not products of your circumstances based on emotions.
Taking responsibility means that in every situation you consciously consider your options and then consistently choose to do the best you can.
How does it look for you? At your workplace? In. your project group? In your management team? In your home?